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6 Tips for Beginning Students

Nine years ago, far before getting the job at the professional writing company, I started studying at the university. I knew nothing about life and higher education. I didn't have money, family contacts, or other things frequently boosting one's career. I only began to explore the real world at that time.


Newbie student


What did I lack then? I regret that I didn’t have an experienced mentor. I needed a person who would help me to find answers for many questions, to make important decisions, someone to respect, and someone who already reached everything I wanted to get in my future.

Unfortunately, there was no such person nearby. Even my parents who seemed to be experienced and caring people couldn't help me with anything, as they were entirely "regular" persons not having enough expertise in the topic of university education.

Several years passed, many events and mistakes happened. Some of those past failures will never be possible to fix them. There are also achievements to be proud of, but they’re not the point this time.

I want to share my studentship experience and give some pieces of advice to students and graduates. Maybe, this knowledge will help them to avoid making my mistakes.

Tip 1: Learn to Communicate

Know how to establish contacts with people around you.

Universities are wonderful. Most probably, you won't meet so many different and interesting young people gathered in one place ever in the future. Here you can master communication skills excellently. Look for right people, stick up with them, and learn how to respect the others around you. Know how to establish contacts. This skill will be critical throughout your life; it will save you far more than once in the future. 

Communicate more. Lonely and silent people who are afraid of talking to others are rare to get the right places in life. Keep in mind that making friends is much more comfortable at school and university. Later, it will be difficult to become really close with someone.

Tip 2: Concentrate

Pay attention to what is essential to you.

Set goals, reach them, and be glad of your little victories. Keep your attention at most critical study courses, and university activities which matter for you.

Focus, make plans, but never lose your feeling of the present. Use all your energy, and put efforts today. But please, keep everything else under control, too.

Tip 3: Do Not Work While Studying

This recommendation is arguable, but as for me, it is critically important. Never go to work when studying at the university! Just don’t, especially if your job is stable full-time. The full-time schedule will most probably destroy your educational process.

Why? You lose your time. Do you think about the experience you gained? It is not always useful. Are you sure about things you'll need in the future? Just don't forget: while you invest your mind, health and time in the development of someone else's company (if it is your business, things are different), other students invest in the development of their personality and intelligence. How do you think, which task has a higher priority? Think about it. And if your job looks more relevant to you, then why you would need to get a university education at this very moment?

Tip 4: Study, Study and Study Again

Work on self-development. Improve your knowledge, look for new data sources, read, write, solve things, etc. Don't be afraid to show yourself, participate in everything you find interesting: contests, competitions, travels, grants, and so no. Watch after such events and find ones vital for you.

Don’t be too satisfied with all the knowledge you get during lectures. Remember, it is only a required minimum. Not every student becomes successful, so you should always be one step ahead of everyone else.

Don’t think nobody would need your knowledge. The price of smart “heads” has always been high. Expertise and hard work will bring you rewards in any case. 

Tip 5: Pay Attention to Your Grades

Probably every student heard of persons (we won't mention their names) who never graduated from universities but feel well and reach huge successes. But!

At first, such people are not proud of the fact they failed to graduate. They don't cultivate such a lifestyle. Do they prefer people with no education when recruiting employees? No.

At second, the fact that you don’t care about your GPA will doubtfully help you to found a business and gain worldwide fame.

Is your GPA important? What do your parents and friends think about it? Don’t you respect their opinion? Well, here is an example: one of the founders of Google believes that average points at math and English characterize the intelligence level of a person better than anything else. He thinks all other grades just reflect the person’s ability to use this knowledge in other fields. It is what you should know. Think about it now, because you won’t have the possibility to fix your GPA later.


Successful student


Tip 6: Be Epic

Nowadays, they frequently use this phrase when summing up conference speeches. As for me, it means the following:

  • To stand out from the crowd;
  • To be famous, recognizable;
  • To have respect and authority;
  • To be better in something.

If I could find a person who would tell me these things nine years ago, I’d plan and build my university studying and relationships with people differently. Most likely, this knowledge would change my life and make me entirely another.

Please, treat all the recommendations as my personal experience. I do not want to impose my opinion and don’t think it is the only right way. But I sincerely hope someone would find it this article useful and interesting.

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