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Recommendations on Part Time Job for College Students

Before we start, you should remember one thing. Getting a part time job to pay student loans will provide you with slightly more money to invest in yourself. But that’s not all. A part time employment for college students is an excellent line to fill in their CVs. Top writers decided to give you some recommendations on getting a part time job.


Student part time job


So, let’s roll!

Reasons to Look for a Part Time Job

Overall student debt in the US exceeded the mark of 1.5 trillion dollars. In the UK, students regularly experience nearly 300 pounds of shortfall monthly on average. Taking into account those numbers, one should immediately understand that students don’t feel safe enough with loans both in the US and the UK.

Sometimes, students even go in for gambling, look for wealthy patrons, or sell illegal stuff to be able to deal with their loans. That’s an easy but risky way.

The other choice is to look for employment for college students. We should note here at once, that the part time job is not something that can appear out of nowhere. The resume you upload to a career website isn’t a suitable option, too. The first step for a student to do here is to make a choice. 

What exactly do you want to go in for?

After you find an answer, get out to the labor market and start selling your features there. Yes, you’ve heard it right. You need to sell yourself to get a part-time job. Nobody will bring it to you for granted. 

Do You Need It at All? 

“I wouldn’t be here if I had a choice not to work” – that’s what you might think. Still, it will be a good thing to ask yourself if the part time job is a thing you can carry at this very moment. Try doing that before you continue reading the article. Here’s how.

At first, define your real motivation. Do you need money urgently and nothing more? Is your aim to add some cool lines in a CV? Do you plan to make some new contacts and make new friends? A mix of everything above? 

In case money is the goal, it is good to account your monthly budget first. Oh, we know it might bore. However, here is the point. When you know your exact financial balance (the difference between outgoings and incomings), you have a clear idea of your money necessity. In other words, the monthly financial gap becomes visible, and you know how much funds you need to earn to close it.

There also is a chance for you to find out that you don’t need a part time job for college students. Maybe, some financial tips and slight changes in your money management habits can help you save some pocket funds and feel well.

The additional remark for a student to think about is also simple. A college or university student job experience is an excellent addition to a CV. Nevertheless, extracurricular activities can replace part time jobs in a resume without the need to invest much time in searching and then working. 

The critical thing is to think about the exact amount of time you can devote to a part time job. Mostly, colleges and universities recommend spending not more than 15 hours per week on part time jobs for students during the studying months. Still, things can vary depending on your features, needs, and physical and mental durability.

In case you worry about putting more effort but still feel the need to get a part time job for students, here are some tips on combining the college and work.

Find the Proper Balance

The need to earn some additional money is clearly acceptable. Nevertheless, students should control their minds and avoid putting vacancy searches as a priority. Your main activity is studying. Period. Turning hard work into a habit and devoting all the free hours to it is not an option. It is the way to overtiredness and getting both job and studying troubles. 

So, talk to a potential employer about hours you plan to do weekly beforehand. Don’t agree to work by default, try negotiating, and give them realistic information on your actual availability. It is a simple step to avoid wrong expectations from both sides.

It can be critical enough to have flexible hours when you need to study and work at a time. You better talk about that beforehand. Show the company how vital your college is for you and make sure they understand your position.  

Top Part Time Jobs for Students to Pick 

Retail Business

Retail positions can potentially mean everything starting from a vacancy of a supermarket cashier to a hi-tech store consultant. Still, no matter what the place is, the job itself is about shelf stocking and serving customers. 

For students not having previous experience, retail business positions offer the easiest possible job. The smiling face, the printed CV, and a good mood is everything you need to talk to people in charge. The critical thing in retail is customer service. Try to prove the hiring manager that you can serve clients well. Make the best impression possible from the very first try.

The simplest time to get a student part time job in a retail business is around Christmas. At the end of December, stores usually need as many working hands as possible urgently. In case you have too many exams to deal with, start sending CVs beforehand. The probability to land something is much higher if you begin earlier, for instance, in October or November.

Retail part time job pluses:

  • simple duties available over Christmas;
  • discounts as for a staff member;
  • easy job;
  • doesn’t require previous experience.

Retail part time job minuses:

  • they want you to work on weekends mostly;
  • high level of competition – such places are popular among students.

Service Industry 

Here we mean any place to work from McD’s to elite restaurant waitressing.

Mostly, students here take orders, wait for tables, cook food, and wash dishes in case they work in fast food industries.

Have you guessed why these positions are popular among students? Yes, there can be some free food for them.

Service industry part time job pluses:

  • free foods;
  • tips added to salaries;
  • no previous experience required.

Service industry part time job minuses:

  • it can tire;
  • late working hours;
  • can make you feel somehow smelly and greasy.

Bar Positions

Lots of cafés and bars hire cloakroom assistants, promo teams, bouncers, glass collectors or cleaners along with the bar personnel.

Most university towns have many bars able to keep students drinking for their degrees and successful exams. So, there are many part time positions to get in those bars, too.

Bar work pluses:

  • university cafés are fine with flexible schedules during exam sessions and holidays;
  • it’s easy to adjust your studying timetable to evening shifts.

Bar work minuses:

  • late working hours;
  • probably the need to deal with drunken clients.

Mostly, part time student jobs belong to one of the three types mentioned above. Still, it is cool to be aware of multiple alternatives you probably never thought about yet. Check the list here to see points you could consider.


Part time job resume


Student Part Time Jobs: Where to Find Them?

The main difficulty with finding the possibilities to earn money is the deficiency of knowledge. To say simply, students banally don’t know where to look for part time jobs. Here is the list of tips on finding places to get your part time position.

Online Job Searching

Of course, it is a default option nowadays. Still, the word “online” means hundreds of thousands of websites, and that’s a problem. In our times, the very best places to check are websites or social media profiles of companies. They definitely post available vacancies there. Signing up to specialized sites able to notify you about part time job positions for students in your area is also the right choice.

Social Media

We have already mentioned them above, but social media deserve a separate place on this list. It became a real job-hunting environment. Registering on LinkedIn or Twitter is a substantial boost to your chances of getting employment. Keep in mind that registering itself is not enough. Use your profile and contact potential employers regularly until you find your place.

University Opportunities

Many schools usually organize job fairs during the schooling year. Those are your chances to meet a potential employer in person. You’d better wake up earlier on that day. Additionally, many schools have their positions to employ students in part time. It is about working in bars, shops, copy centers, etc.

Headhunting Agencies

Those have a lot in common with dating websites. But here people find a job, not love. Such agencies typically collect databases of open positions, so getting into their field makes sense. 

People Around

Just ask them!

You probably have family members or friends working at someplace you like. Why won’t you ask them about open positions? They’ll notify you when something appears.

Get in There and Negotiate

Seems weird? Well, walking into a place with a CV at hand and asking about jobs to do are effective methods when it comes to part time employment. At first, you may feel a bit confused. However, after a few places passed, it will be a piece of cake!

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