The fashion industry is developing fast, but still the so-called "capsular wardrobe" becomes more popular. The capsular set of clothing includes 10-15 basic items and the wealthiest and the mist successful people have it. Would you like to improve your productivity and reach the success like they have done? Check out the reasons to switch your clothing into capsular.

Less Decisions
The more decisions you make, the lower is the quality of them. This is what Mark Zuckerberg thinks. People, who make important decisions every day, value a lot removing the morning choice of outfit. Thus, they have more time and more space in their heads for the other thoughts.
Less Time
You even cannot imagine how much time you spend on choice of clothing. There was a research carried out in Moscow 5 years ago. The experiment was under the title "333" and people were suggested to wear 33 clothing items within 3 months. Those, who took part in the experiment did confirm that they have saved a lot of time and it took much less to get ready for the work/studies every morning.
Less Stress
As an Art-Director Matilda Kal from New York says, she cares less about clothing due to having a capsular wardrobe. She does not think whether she looks too official or too frivolous. Almost every time she came to the subway entrance, she was thinking that the choice of outfit was wrong. She now sticks to wearing a white silk shirt and black pants, so she has 1 issue less to worry about.
Less Energy Spent
This is the idea that Christopher Nolan, a famous film director, supports. He claims that not only the choice of clothing requires an energy waste, but the maintenance of it: putting things in order, sorting them, washing etc. This is what the successful people would like to avoid doing.
Less but More Qualitative
If you have a lot of items in your wardrobe, this does not mean that you wear everything. If you reduce the number of items, you will make your wardrobe as an elite restaurant. You have less outfits, but every of them is perfect. Thus, you look better and you feel better.
Make It a Cult
A writer Alice Gregory from New York states, that wearing the same thing every day is a cheap way to feel yourself popular. The same suit reflects your being mature, stable and constant in your values. Do you remember Steve Jobs with his cult New Balance sneakers, blue jeans and a black mock turtleneck?
Less Money Spending
A financial side is critical for students. Think of how many items does your wardrobe has, and think whether you have put on all of them. Now, calculate, how much money you have wasted. Quite convincing, isn't it?
Let's Summarize
If you switch to a capsular clothing set, you will have more time and more possibilities for important decisions, you will worry less, save money and will become a bit popular. Isn't it what you want?