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Essay on the Ways to Be a More Creative Student

Creative Students

Creativity plays an important role in our life. It makes it fulfilling and interesting. It also helps people solve problems and move forward. Such things as a car, plane, the Internet, etc., wouldn’t have been invented if some people hadn’t been creative enough to come up with innovative ideas. Creativity also helps students write gripping essays. But George Land says that nowadays it takes 2 percent of the population to create the basic ideas. If the percentage was higher, we would live in a much brighter world. So, what’s the key to being more creative? Will writing papers at college help, or do you need something more?

The Freedom in Studies

First and foremost, once students understand how the system works, they start to suppress their creativity. George Land found that we are all born geniuses. About 98 percent of all children, to be exact. But education system snuffs out some creative impulses. Direct instructions at schools or other institutions compel students to come to explicit and predictable conclusions not letting their creativity flourish. Professors should set more implicit goals for students instead. Asking them to demonstrate volcanic eruption will give them the freedom to try things their own way and will definitely have a positive effect. Those who will not be able to do this can still find another creative way to handle the assignment and buy essay.

So, next time you’re asked to write an essay, try to make it in your own unique way and don’t be afraid of making some conclusions different from your professor’s ones. Or if you write poems, try to write one on the topic you’re studying rather than just making notes. You can come up with your own ways of studying. If you feel that you are more excited about any other creative activity, do not be shy and order a paper at WritingPaper.Org.

Embrace Experience

Creativity grows out of everyday experiences. Staying current nowadays is one thing but being open to anything new is a different kettle of fish. If you’re invited to a concert but you’re not sure if the singer is good because you haven’t heard about him/her before, go there and see everything for yourself. Reading about it on the internet is different. Trying out new things will help you find your voice.

You may also be reluctant to write an essay on a topic that seems boring to you. However, there is a possibility, perhaps even a certainty that you will come across something that will catch your eye when doing the research for an essay, and this information will not only enable you to write a gripping piece of writing on a boring topic but will also make the process funnier. Besides, you can stumble across something that will become your hobby. That being said, you never know what exactly will wake you up.

Examples of Wonderful Creativity

Kintsugi is a good example of originality. Instead of throwing a broken pottery or hiding its cracks, the Japanese emphasize those cracks to show the history of an object. Next time you decide to throw something that is already old, think about how you can give new life to it.
Tattoos on the backs, shoulders, and chests of prisoners is yet another example of resourcefulness and self-expression. Every person is capable of engaging in the process of creativity. So, get over the fear of making mistakes or answering wrong and become a new innovator.

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