What was your professor thinking about when they gave you an assignment like writing an autobiographical essay? If you`re a student, when you must be in your early twenties tops. Of course, there are even eighty-year-old students, and we salute you, your autobiography must be lit.
How are you supposed to write a story of your life if all you know about is the One Direction`s song “Story of My Life”? Well, put all worries aside, that`s what we are here for. I must admit this is a complicated task. You`d probably prefer to write about something that requires you to dig up some information, facts, evidence, and come up with conclusions.
If it`s a writer or a politician, you can take a look at their life from an independent point of view and analyze their deeds, relationships, activities, and career. But when it comes to psychoanalyzing yourself, it seems like a torture. The only worse torture that a student can experience is when a professor asks how they would evaluate their work. At that moment, you wish you could disappear into thin air just like a cartoon character because you just can`t grade yourself. What if you lose points because it may seem to a lecturer that you`re not that confident about your work?
Anyway, you`ve got an autobiographical essay to write, and it gives you hell, I get it. You must be waiting for an inspirational revelation right now, and it`s coming right up. How about addressing pro essay writers instead of stressing out? You`re definitely going to need some help.
Of course, it won`t be easy, taking into consideration that it`s your personal story of the life but if you state a couple of facts about yourself, these guys can sugarcoat them in the best way possible. Besides, your professor won`t be calling your childhood friend to make sure your essay is truthful.
Highlights of Your Life
Do you realize that you`re not supposed to spill your guts about everything that`s been happening to you? Your life may not be that long yet but it`s surely full of bright emotions and events that your professor isn`t really interested in. Besides, it may take you 20 pages to fit such a lengthy text.
You first need to figure out what your professor expects you to write about. What were the last topics that you`ve been studying during the course? Is this assignment dedicated to a certain event?
Even if there`s no super specific task, you still need to select events which will introduce your personality, knowledge, and skills in the best way. Write a list of events which influenced you greatly or inspired you in an inexplicable way. It can be the first time you went to a rock-concert or when you discovered a new hobby or even your vocation. You can give a short summary of those events and the ways they influenced you. You can add stories about negative or tragic experiences as well if you feel like this way your essay will be more balanced and well-structured.
I Grew up in an Ordinary Family…
Do you hear that noise? It`s your professor snoring because he or she fell asleep reading the first sentence of your autobiographical essay. It`s the brutal truth, but if you start your text with that phrase above, your work will immediately break all records of being boring. You need a hook to get your audience`s interest. But where do you get that hook?
Start with a quote that will be funny, sarcastic, and not with a cliche. For example, “When one door closes, the other opens” is not a good choice, sorry, but it`s too mainstream. By the way, if you`ve always been wondering who the author of this phrase is, it`s Alexander Graham Bell. Yes, the one who invented the telephone. How do you like a statement by Marilyn Monroe. This great woman said she was selfish, impatient, and insecure. But if one couldn’t handle her at her worst, then one sure hell didn’t deserve her at her best. This phrase is a very popular meme now, so you`ll stay on a top of an essay game with this quotation. But you should probably omit “hell”, your professor may not like it.
Make It Like a Movie Script
There are many awesome Oscar-winning movies which tell stories about lives of real people like “Schindler`s List”, “The Pianist”, “The Wolf of Wall Street”, and many others. Can you imagine your autobiographical essay turned into a movie? Does it resemble a screenplay at least remotely? No? Then rewrite it! In order to make your text livelier, you should add dialogues. In fact, you can start with a dialogue. It`s a common way good journalists start their reports.
Details in a description of clothes, appearance, interior design, or nature are crucial. Those details awake imagination of a reader. Once you achieve that, you need to keep going with a storyline which will cause the same effect as when you read an interesting book. I know it`s easier said than done, and that`s why we suggest you get some help from Writingpaper.Org. We can turn your autobiographical essay into practically a blockbuster.