University time is full of writing assignments. Despite the fact that a number of subjects offer students a wide range of topics, there are few general tips.
Observe People
Remember that all essays and reports are written for the readers. In spite of their academic degree, they are people, first of all, and reading boring writings is as challenging for them as for others. The more people-oriented your work is, the more likely it is that you will get a better mark for it. Therefore, try to wrap dry academic information into pleasant words. Observe people to find out what they like, what troubles and surrounds them, what admire them the most.
It would sound a little bit like a cheating, but if you know exactly which professor will be checking your research essay or report, watch him/her for some time. Find out what language he/she prefers, what examples he/she makes for students to explain the educational material, what lifestyle he/she has. Understanding your professor's personality makes it easier for you to find the right words.
Make Examples
If you already know your audience well, watch people to learn some details about them. Such an approach will help you to come up with great examples. For an instance, take a university event and, based on it, simulate an interesting situation. You can vividly describe your position and point of view, offer solutions for existing problems and ways to avoid the possible ones. Involve other students and teachers in your play. Give them roles and make them interact with each other.
Even if you do not have an opportunity to perform with your essay or report, it will never stay without attention. But if you are lucky to perform, your university mates will definitely enjoy the play. Not only this will help you to succeed with your report or essay but also to show your creative side. Do you want to see how it works in practice? Get an online essay example.
Use Balanced Language
After all observations, make a list of words that would be related to the people for whom you are going to write. Try to insert as many words from the list as possible to make the language of your report or essay more attractive. Make sure you use an appropriate writing style. Dry reports or boring essays that contain only numbers, figures and terms are as unattractive as the one written in a very casual style. Likely, you will not get the highest mark. Vivid life examples will make your work more pleasant for reading and unfold the main idea of your report or essay in a better way.
Enjoy the Process
Hopefully, you like your specialty and enjoy every task you have to complete during your study including writing assignments. If you do not like a special task or topic, it is always possible to find something attractive in it. Remember why you have made a decision to study this subject and what benefits it will give you in the future. If you are still unpleased, the chances are that the topic you have to work on is not interesting for you because you have gaps in knowledge. Use this opportunity to discover your weak sides, master the subject and write an outstanding essay or report.