Studying somewhere gives us many possibilities to prepare ourselves for the future lives. One of them is a to-be-liked-by-people skill. The best way to improve it is to learn how to make a teacher like you. In this article, you will find certain useful pieces of advice that will help you be a perfect student and tell about some stereotypes that don't always work.

1. You Need to Know the Subject Perfectly. (False)
This is one of the main stereotypes that stops many people on their way to good relationships with a teacher. To tell the truth, if you are very smart and know everything about the subject, it is better not to show it because your teacher might think that there is nothing he or she can give. What is even worse: you want to show that you are smarter than he/she is. On the other hand, you don't need to be perfectly dumb in the subject, otherwise you'll appear to him/her as someone who didn't get anything from all the lessons that you had already passed through.
Solution: just try to show your teacher that you're interested in what he/she is saying, ask question during and even after the lesson (but not too much). Choose some middle way.
2. Do Not Check Your Newsfeed or Talk to Groupmates During the Lesson.
I think it's clear enough why it is a wrong path to step on if you want to be one of those your teacher remembers and thanks after years of studying.
3. Feel Free to Be Funny Sometimes.
No, it is not a joke. It is better to use some tactful punchline or an amusing remark when the situation is not rather serious than to be a boring bookworm. A good laugh saves lives. The teacher can understand that you are still young and, moreover, likes the students for their age, because students can remind their teachers of the time when they were teenagers as well and make them feel younger.
4. If He Gives You a Task to Write an Essay, Do Not Copy It, Write It.
It is common for many students to copy their essays from the Internet, but try not to be this kind of student if you want to remain remarkable in your teacher’s eyes. Even if you are not good at writing essays, it is better to write your thoughts down than easily download it. The teacher will appreciate your honesty and what's more, he/she will help you gain certain writing skills. As a great bonus, you will get his or her involvement in your work and your personality.
5. Be Yourself and Tell the Truth.
This is the main piece of advice that anyone can give you within this subject. It can help not only with the teachers, but also with all the other people that you are going to meet during your lifetime. It is a funny fact that most people have an ability to recognize the attempt of your deceiving them when you are trying to make things up and lie to them. The same thing happens with teachers. If you haven't done your homework or didn't understand the last two lessons, the best thing you can do is to tell your teacher honestly about that. Even if you are not coming to the lesson because your friend is having birthday this day, just tell him so directly, the teacher will understand it and also like you more for your sincerity.