Starting an essay, we know that there will be some paragraphs where we will insert our personal opinion in order to extend the quantity of the text and make it actually an essay. However, you should be very careful with such an addition. Usually, it is not good to build up the whole text on your own or somebody else’s ideas. Surely, there are cases when your opinion is required. However, you have to follow several rules to make your thoughts flow in your essay.
In this article you will get acquainted with all these rules which should help you master your essay writing skills.
Give a Hint That You Think So
Surely, you are encouraged to express your own position according to the topic. However, it will be better just to allude to the reader about your very attitude. It is clear that you are not indifferent just because you are writing this very essay on this particular topic. In addition, you can build your sentences in such a way that the reader will get to know whether you as the author share the stated opinion or not. This is particularly important for a persuasive one: the reader will think that he/she came to that conclusion and will be glad to see that it is the same as yours.
Your Thought, Your Evidence
Opinion adding is usually welcome, but do not make the phrases senseless just to read the required word count. If you express your personal opinion, you have to be sure that it sounds in tandem with the previous facts. You are not a scholar; you know that is why one cannot refer to your words as a trusted source.
Therefore, you give strength to you words with facts and well-known information. Even though it is your personal attitude, it should be clear that you have come to that conclusion based on previous facts and thoughts that were written above. To see how to correctly include your personal points of view into essays, you may order an essay online. Do not think that such papers are impersonal as a result: you will communicate with your writer, and he/she will take your position concerning the required scientific issue.
Clear Thought
Many types of essays demand the presence of the set of examples, among which some cases from your personal life will be suitable. While writing about your life, keep in mind that the reader knows nothing about you, so you have to pay attention to the sentences you build and the lexis you use.
You must never forget what type of essay you are writing! Its type determines the vocabulary among the rest. Descriptive essays will have a lot of adjectives and sometimes metaphors, argumentative ones should have strong words like “I am convinced,” “I believe,” etc. If you want to find out about the differences between various types of essays, check WritingPaper.Org as a good academic resource for such purposes.
Do not hesitate to reread your text several times. On the third time, you can notice that the sentence starting with the phrase “I think” sounds not as well as it used to. Moreover, your additions and expressions have to assimilate with the text. Being thought-out, they have to extend the field for you dearest readers’ thoughts and further research options.
Do Not Be Too Forthright
The last clue to follow while expressing your opinion is not to use simple and wiped out cliches and phrases. If you want to start a sentence, with the thought of yours, add some information on how exactly you have reached that opinion. Maybe, you have looked through some research papers written by authoritative scholars, or the freshest news broadcasting made you think in such a way. Thus, you should veil your thoughts as well so the readers could think that they are theirs.