A typical problem for the applicant: the HR manager disappeared and did not call you. And we all know how the job is important. Therefore, we try to remind about ourselves but, unfortunately, all our attempts lead to such sad consequences as a refusal.
But do not despair if the HR manager still hasn't called you back. Hope springs eternal. Especially, if there are ways that could help you to achieve the desirable result. So, how to remind about yourself after an interview and get the desirable job position? Let’s discuss it!
Should I Write a Paper to Remind About Myself After an Interview?
Thank you letter is an optional issue. Its presence or absence does not influence the final decision on the candidate. Rather, it is a tool of business etiquette which gives the opportunity to stand out among other candidates. Also, it helps to emphasize your interest in the company and demonstrate the skills of business communication. You can send a thank you letter in a few hours after the meeting or during the next day. If there were several people at the interview and they shared contacts with you, you can send a message to all the participants.
Obviously, you have to be aware of the rules of writing a successful thank you letter. If you are willing to go into details, you can buy a research paper on all the peculiarities of doing such a thing. Or you may be content with the further information. The letter should not be voluminous. It's unlikely that anyone will re-read the description of your career achievements and the reasons why the company should choose you. It is better to write a laconic letter. You should thank for arranging the meeting and express your desire to continue communication.
By the way, the aforementioned description of your career achievements must be noted in your CV. Otherwise, you will not be able to get even the invitation for the interview. Your СV, in this case, is a mirror that reflects your individuality including skills, experience, and knowledge. That is why it is a must to pay close attention to the writing process whether it is a CV or a thank you letter. To be sure that you are doing it correctly, go here and find out if your CV and thank you letter are written in the best way.
Ways of Reminding
Through my personal experience, I would not recommend calling a recruiter or an employee of the company with whom you have communicated. At least, if they did not offer you this option for communication. More often than not, the companies designate the dates when they are planning to return to the candidate with the answer at the interview.
Moreover, it will be appropriate to specify the format of further interaction at the end of the meeting. You have to let HR manager understand when you are waiting for feedback.
By the way, you can also ask when it is convenient to remind about yourself or give a call.
If a specific period within which you have to be contacted is not mentioned, or this period has already expired, it is perfectly permissible to write a polite letter. You must introduce yourself, indicate the date of the last meeting, what position you have been discussing, and ask if a decision has already been taken.
What Is Annoying and What Is Welcomed

It is definitely not welcomed to fill up the recruiter with letters and calls. Obviously, it will not help the process, but rather do harm: there is a high probability that you will be considered as an overly intrusive person. If you agree on the date of the next contact, do not try to contact anyone earlier.
If you call the recruiter at night on a personal number, you risk making an awful impression. Even if the interview was successful. I can consider situations when candidates come to the company without an invitation to an interview to be completely awful. Of course, a reminder letter or a call from a candidate during working hours will not cause negative emotions, especially if you agreed on this. But it is very important to evaluate when your initiative is useful, and when it is not.
Social Networks

If we are talking about professional social networks, such as LinkedIn, there are no restrictions – you can add the HR manager and possible future colleagues. Most likely, the recruiter will be interested in this as well and will send you an invitation. Most recruitment professionals use social networks as one of the tools for interacting with candidates.
But before adding the recruiter to your friends on Facebook or Instagram, evaluate the content of your profile. Are there any photos or posts on your page that can have a negative impact on you as a candidate? Remember that your profile in social networks is a kind of business card for the HR manager. You have to be prepared for the fact that some people use social networks only to communicate with friends and can ignore your invitation.
If you are not sure how to write a CV or a reminder letter, be sure to contact Writingpaper.Org for assistance!